
What We Are 关于:

We, at Montgomery Community Media, 是否致力在员工及持份者内部积极倡导多元化,以建立及维持包容性文化. 这为蒙哥马利县的100万居民创造了一个更公平的社区媒体空间.



What We Offer:

我们的组织相信提供一个全面的福利计划,旨在支持我们员工的健康, well-being, innovation, flexibility, professional growth, and financial security.

  • Paid Holidays
  • Excellent benefits
  • Collaborative and diverse staff
  • Culture of inclusion, innovation, and teamwork
  • Flexible hours
  • Opportunity for growth and training

Open Positions:

Teaching Assistant – Part Time

实习 Opportunities:

Digital Marketing 实习

Future Positions:

None at this time.

Teaching Assistant – Part Time

MCM助教教授和协助所有工作室和现场生产设备, and video editing. The MCM Teaching Assistant is a part-time union position, scheduled between 4-20 hours per week, based on MCM’s class schedule, 理想的候选人精通多媒体制作的各个方面, 工作时间灵活,周末和晚上有空吗, 以及教导和支持MCM社区所有成员的愿望, including students, 实习生, seniors and hobbyists.

Key Responsibilities:

  • 协助指导-熟悉所有课堂程序和媒体设备的应用. To assist instructors in all aspects of media training, which may include field production, studio classes and editing.
  • 在现场生产中-协助教授摄像机的操作, videotape recorders, 灯, microphones, audio and editing equipment.
  • 在演播室-设置演播室并协助教学摄像机, 切换器, character generator, audio board, podcasting, media recorders, teleprompter, and lighting.
  • 学生监督-作为MCM代表监督学生项目, edit sessions, field shoots or studio productions. To ensure equipment safety and adherence to project guidelines.
  • Set up studio and classroom prior to production or class.
  • Certification testing – Administer and evaluate written & demonstration tests for certification.
  • Assist in the production of MCM-supervised programing.
  • 协助欧洲经委会学生的现场和演播室制作和编辑课程, Fellows and 实习生.
  • Perform other duties as assigned.

Required Qualifications:

  • 电视传播专业大专以上学历或相关经验.
  • 现场制作技能和演播室制作技能(摄像机、切换器、灯光、音频).
  • Video editing skills and podcasting and audio production skills.
  • Basic knowledge of emerging digital media technologies.
  • 理解教学方法,特别是在电视和/或数字媒体环境中.
  • Ability to work cooperatively with students, 不熟悉多媒体制作的实习生和社区成员.
  • 对多代社区志愿者的指导具有敏感性和耐心.
  • 该职位要求成为美国广播员工和技术人员-通信工作者全国协会(NABET-CWA)的会员。.

Montgomery Community Media is an Equal Opportunity Employer. We do not discriminate on the basis of actual or perceived race, 信条, color, 宗教, alien年龄 or national origin, 祖先, citizenship status, 年龄, disability or handicap, 性, marital status, veteran status, 性ual orientation, genetic information, arrest record, or any other characteristic protected by applicable federal, state or local laws. We welcome everyone.

Digital Marketing 实习

关于 Montgomery Community Media (MCM):
MCM是一家服务于马里兰州蒙哥马利县的非营利性媒体访问组织. We provide media training, access to video production equipment and facilities, 并由媒体专业人士指导,帮助县居民创作和分享媒体内容. Additionally, MCM为其他非营利组织和县政府机构提供媒体制作服务,以满足他们的视频制作需求. MCM为数不多的专业记者负责报道超本地新闻, providing residents with reliable, trustworthy local news and information about their communities. MCM维护多个共享内容的平台,包括几个访问有线电视频道,1p9f.buylithuania.com, and multiple social media platforms.

我们致力于雇用那些被驱使在我们的社区产生影响的人,并相信我们为所有县居民提供媒体访问的使命. 我们致力于创造一个可以与多元化的员工团队一起成长和学习的工作场所.

Employment type: 实习

小时: 10-20 Hours Weekly

地点: 这是一个混合型职位,需要在办公室呆上几个小时.) and in-person events.

您是否对蒙哥马利县社区充满热情并希望亲自参与, impactful professional digital marketing experience? Want to help contribute to amplifying community voices? Montgomery Community Media is looking for you. As a Digital Marketing Intern, you will gain real-life experience working with a non-profit, 帮助促进和促进跨数字平台的社区参与. 请阅读实习申请说明的完整描述.


  • 收集和跟踪定量和定性数据(参与度,覆盖面等).) from email, social media, and marketing campaigns.
  • 与沟通团队一起更新和计划编辑内容日历.
  • 在现场活动中为沟通团队提供支持.
  • 研究,设计,并提出新的数字营销活动的想法.
  • Write clear and concise copy that speaks to the target audience.
  • 在所有平台上集思广益,创造新的原创内容.
  • 为数字营销活动创建图形、视频和其他媒体.
  • 监测数字平台上的社区参与情况,并与社区帖子互动.
  • 在社区外展、建立伙伴关系和沟通方面协助沟通团队.

Preferred Qualifications:

  • Currently enrolled college students, recent graduates, or individuals with relevant experience in marketing, communications, 或类似的领域,希望在数字营销行业获得实践经验.
  • Strong desire to learn along with professional drive.
  • 对不同的数字营销平台策略有深刻的理解.
  • Excellent verbal and written communication skills.
  • Excellent knowledge of MS Office.
  • 熟练使用Canva、基本视频编辑等设计工具.
  • 熟悉分析报告、搜索引擎优化和电子邮件营销平台优先考虑.
  • 有市场营销、传播、新闻、摄影或平面设计方面的背景会有帮助.
  • An interest in non-profit work is a plus.


  • 因为这是一份无薪实习,所以可以获得大学学分.

**请提交您的简历和任何工作样本(社交媒体副本), 电子邮件副本, 图形, video projects, 等.) to Olivia Goldstein at ogoldstein@buylithuania.com.

Submit a Resume

Use the form below to submit a resume or send your resume and cover letter to hiring@buylithuania.com

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上传 your resume here. Please use MS Word or text document format.